"and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself" -Acts 2:39
I just got home from an incredible night of praying for our city. We gathered this evening at the Long Beach Community Worship Center with over 250 other people! There was a definite "rumbling" happening as we raised our voices in unison calling out to God for our city! We worshiped together as a large group and then broke into smaller groups to simultaneously call out to God for those in our city that are far from Him. Spirit, bring salvation to our city tonight! Our prayer was that God's people would make themselves available to be used by God in their bold witness and in their acts of love towards their neighbors.
I could have kept going all night long! Thanks to the LBCWC family for hosting night #7. Hope to see many of you out on Sunday evening as well!
Didn't get a chance to say "hi" to all of CSULB students but I saw you there in the back! Glad you could make it and were able to join in the chorus of intercession tonight! Hope to see you on Sunday again if not sooner!
The momentum towards Pentecost is building and there is an ever increasing sense of expectation for our time together on that day. The Church of the City gathered together as one. What a powerful and prophetic statement itself that would be. May the momentum only continue in the days ahead...