On May 20th, during a regular Long Beach Connection monthly meeting case workers, volunteers, and leaders involved with the Homeless Connection Initiative were surprised by a lovely lunch catered by Nino's Restaurant. Case workers walked in with a confused look upon their faces, thinking that they accidentally walked into the wrong meeting. After reassuring them they were in the right room, they happily piled pasta on their plates. Community partners, Sea Coast Grace Church; Grace Harbor Church; We Love Long Beach; The Garden Church; Friends Church and many more, joined with the Kingdom Causes Homeless Task Force in supporting the surprise lunch. Volunteers from the Homeless Connection Initiative move ins were able to connect with the city workers who were finding apartments. We were also received updates from the leaders including Joel Roberts, Susan Price, Martha Long, and Elsa Ramos. Currently, there have been 56 move-ins, of these 13 were veterans and 6 were youth (18-25 years old). Long Beach Connection express their gratitude toward the community partners and open the meeting to them. They also shared other ways we as community members can continue to be involved through advocacy, educating others, and being part of the next Homeless count taking place on January 27th.
One visible impact the Homeless Connection Initiative has had in Long Beach City is that Pat West noticed there was a third less homeless individuals at the Civic Center.
Thank you to Long Beach Connection for commitment to our homeless neighbors. Thank you for literally taking them off the streets! Thank you community partners for being their support and making their apartments into homes!