Monday, February 04, 2008

Unite to Ignite

I want to make you aware of an event happening this Saturday, February 9th at 1pm. It's a gathering of different denominations, cultures and ages to seek God through united and passionate prayer, worship and fasting. It's being held at the church of one of our local pastors who is quite active in her community through Emergency Preparedness and other community services. She is Barbara Gilliam of the Glad Tidings Tabernacle, at 1900 E. South St., 90805. You can email her at BGilliam at for more information. The website for this event is and a voicemail number is 800-850-8534

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2/9/08: Please pray for Andrea's lungs to grow strong so that they can avoid giving her a tracheotomy. They need her to breathe on her own. Thank you for your prayers!!